
During late 1950’s, TOHO produced series of short featurette, most of which were approximately an hour in length. These films were called “Diamond Series” and meant to be fillers for theatrical programs. In spite of their secondary status in terms of box office, the series called for seasoned directors, staffs and actors. “Shitamachi (下町)”(Downtown) is one of the best of the series, though rarely shown. In 1949, four years after the war, Tokyo was still in rubbles. It was a harsh environment for a woman looking for a decent job. Riyo (Isuzu Yamada) and her little son try to survive …

A message to Japanese readers


Analysis of “There Was A Father”, Epilogue

3. The original script for Ozu’s “The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice” was written and submitted to Censorship Board in 1939. The script was rejected, and Shochiku had to shelve it with no prospect for the production. The story concerns the man of humble origin but hard-working and his spoiled wife from rich family. The husband is too serious and boring for her taste, so the wife goes on spending spree and expensive trips. But the husband receives the draft notice, which upsets her. She realizes that her husband is quite a remarkable person, being calm when facing such …